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2025 Call for Abstracts

(Updated Nov. 29)
By now, all submitters should've received an email from Jo Votolato with their abstract status. If not, please contact
(Updated Oct. 28)
Submissions are currently closed.
If you wish to submit an abstract or have questions, please contact
If you have submitted an abstract: Thank you for your interest in presenting. The contribution of abstracts is critical to the success of our conference, and we value your input greatly. We will notify you of the results by November 29, 2024.
Thank you for your interest in presenting. The contribution of abstracts is critical to the success of our conference, and we value your input greatly.
Please Note: All presenters of accepted abstracts will be offered a reduced registration fee. Honoraria, accommodation, travel, and other associated expenses are not covered by the conference. Presenters must be comfortable presenting and answering questions in English. Presenters should presuppose prior knowledge of FASD by attendees, so there is no need to define/describe FASD in your presentation. If your abstract gets selected, you will be asked to choose for either the abstract or for a summary of your presentation and/or a PDF of your slides or other illustrative materials to be included in the conference syllabus.
You will be asked to include the following information on the online abstract portal. Please review the information below before proceeding:
- Abstract Title
- Indicate the preferred format under which your abstract is submitted:
- Oral Presentations
- PLENARY (1-2 presenters; 45 minutes): For the first time at this conference, we will be opening submissions for plenary sessions. A plenary session is to be attended by all participants. Therefore, the presenter(s) should be mindful of presenting to a diverse audience, many of whom will have only a basic understanding of the topic.
- 60-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSION (minimum of 2 presenters)
- 90-MINUTE BREAKOUT SESSION (minimum of 3 presenters)
- 15-MINUTE ORAL PAPER (1 presenter only): Oral papers should be succinct presentations of innovative projects or research and will be grouped together by the conference committee into similar topic areas.
- 5-MINUTE LIGHTNING TALK (1 presenter only): Maximum of 2 slides. Consider this to be a trailer to prompt the audience to interact with you for further discussion.
Note: All oral presentations must include 25% of time for Q&A. Abstracts that highlight the following are strongly encouraged and will be noted during the review process: translational research, work from early-career investigators; diversity in topic, e.g., culture, stereotypes, gender, ethnicity, underrepresented minorities; diversity in presenters, e.g., interdisciplinary teams, underrepresented minorities, both senior and early career investigators.
- Poster Presentations:
We also encourage poster submissions. Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference and will have designated poster viewing times. Poster board size is 45” x 45” (115cm x 115cm), so all materials must fit within this space.)
- Indicate 1-3 themes that which best fits your presentation:
- Addictions
- Biomedical
- Community/Family
- Cultural
- Diagnosis/Screening/
- Economics
- Education
- Employment
- Ethics/Social Justice
- Etiology
- Indigenous
- Intervention/Support
- Justice/Legal
- Mental and Physical Health
- Policy
- Prevention
- Services
- Women
- Other: please specify
- List all authors and presenters. Include their affiliations (Title, Name, Suffix, Profession, Department/Organization, City, State, Country) as well as their email addresses. Provide brief, 50-word (max.) biographies for each presenter, which will be used to introduce the presenter on-site at the conference (you will be able to update this later if needed).
- Provide a presentation summary (500 words max.) including (if applicable) background/objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. All abstracts must include 2-3 learning objectives. Learning objectives must be learner-oriented.
- If you are submitting a 60-min or 90-min session, please provide a brief 50-word description of your session to be inserted into the program brochure if your abstract is accepted for presentation.
- All abstracts must answer the following two questions in no more than 50 words, in plain language, understandable by a general, lay audience.
A. Why are your research findings relevant to the lives of individuals with FASD and their families?
B. What do you believe to be the broader relevance (e.g., for policy, providers, broader FASD field) of your work? - The conference program committee may prefer to switch the format of your presentation from your preferred format. Indicate whether you are open to this option.
Once you have submitted your abstract, the submitter will receive an automatic email confirming receipt (check your SPAM folder, just in case). If you don’t receive an email after 24 hours, or if you have questions before submission, please contact Jo Votolato, Conference Director, FASD United at