Home > Glimpses of FASD

FASD United is filming an exciting new “video shorts” series featuring individuals living with FASD sharing their own stories in their own words. 

What are these “Glimpses of FASD”?

Why is FASD United doing this? 

How will my video be used? 

Who can participate? 

Why should I share my story? 

Has FASD United made videos or shared stories before? 

Who will be interviewing me? 

Booking the meeting: 

  • First, fill out a simple form to select a date and time. [link to form] 
  • Select a 15-minute block of time to record a video with our team.  All filming will happen on Zoom.  We’ll edit the final video to about 1-2 minutes. 
  • Once you book the meeting, a Zoom link will be automatically sent to you in a confirmation email, which can be added to your calendar.  
  • You will receive an email reminder that includes a list of the questions that will be asked. 
  • First, fill out a simple form to select a date and time. [You do not need to book with both Andy and Casidee; choose one based on your schedule] WE WILL BE ACCEPTING PARTICIPANTS STARTING MAY 1ST.
  • Select a 15-minute block of time to record a video with our team.  All filming will happen on Zoom.  We’ll edit the final video to about 1-2 minutes. 
  • Once you book the meeting, a Zoom link will be automatically sent to you in a confirmation email, which can be added to your calendar. The interview questions and media release form will be included in the details of this email.  
  • You will receive email reminders about your meeting as it approaches.
  • Please click here to sign our media release form. (once the project is active you will be able to sign our media release form online).
  • You will see the questions you’ll be asked when you book the meeting.  Before the Zoom interview, please look over these questions so you know what to expect and can get a sense of what you would like to share. (Once you book your meeting, the interview questions will be emailed to you).
  • Check your computer’s settings for video, audio, and Zoom. For more detailed tips and guides for Zoom, click here
  • Once you join the recorded Zoom meeting, our team will greet you and explain the process.
  • The meeting will be recorded, and you will have 15 minutes to respond to the questions and share your story and your experience of living with FASD.  
  • Since the videos will be edited, don’t worry about getting everything “perfect.” You are always welcome to say something again if you’d like to use different words or think of something else you’d like to add.  
  • Just let us know if you would like to see the video before it gets posted. 
  • Please let us know if you would be more comfortable having a support person (such as a close friend or family member) with you during the interview so that we may accommodate this. To keep the video’s focus on your experience and words, we ask that support people be off-camera and behind the scenes. Please email us with any questions.

More questions? 

Please email Andy Kachor, Communications Director, or Casidee Gonzales, Media Director, with any questions at kachor@fasdunited.org & gonzales@fasdunited.org

Please let us know if you require any accommodations.

Our 2024 initiative aims to secure a presence for FASD in decision-making and discussion forums across various fields, including areas of study, professions, and societal sectors. 

This project helps explore our mission through interviews with those with living experience. By collecting responses and analyzing themes, we can more accurately assess which tables FASD should be a part of and in what ways. In doing this, we hope to promote a more just, FASD-informed world.

Give FASD a seat at the table.