Training on the FASCETS Neurobehavior Model


Learn how alcohol and other drugs affect the developing brain and cause distinct behaviors in children, adolescents, and adults. Learn how to approach these behaviors through a brain-based, trauma-informed lens, reducing frustration and expanding options for therapeutic interventions. As caregivers, learn effective strategies and how to utilize them to empower those diagnosed with FA/NB. Become […]

Event Series FASD : Never Alone

FASD : Never Alone


This support group is for adults with FASD (18 & up). There will be  engaging discussions, education, relationships, therapeutic, resources sharing, networking, and advocacy.   Twice Monthly: Saturdays, 12 p.m. PST

Event Series FASD and the IEP Mentorship Coalition

FASD and the IEP Mentorship Coalition


The FASD & the IEP Mentorship Coalition is an opportunity for ongoing training designed for people working with students with FASD who have, or need, an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This program recognizes and focuses on the need for ongoing growth and education specific to the needs of students with FASD within the special education system. […]

Families Moving Forward (FMF) Specialist Training


An evidence-based intervention, clinically proven to help families, and their children, ages 3-13 years, living with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).  For master’s level professionals in counseling, social work, psychology or related fields, working with families with children living with PAE/FASD, in person or via telehealth across the U.S., Canada, […]


Weekly Policy Drop-in

Via Zoom

Have a question about advocating for The FASD Respect Act?  Want to give an update? This weekly zoom drop-in session is a great space to do it. Members of the FASD United Policy Team will be on hand to answer your questions, give you support, and cheer you on. The zoom drop-in is held on […]

FASD United Monthly Policy Forum

Via Zoom

The forum is a regularly-scheduled monthly virtual meeting to brief advocates and guide policy outreach. The meetings are open to all FASD advocates.  Help ensure action on  critical FASD legislation by joining the monthly FASD policy and training virtual forum and preparing to engage with your senators and representative.. Click to join the forums live […]

FASD Knowledge Share Collective SIG


New Special Interest Group! We host an open space to share what you are doing in the field of FASD, discuss potential interests and ideas regarding recent developments in our states/territories/local areas, interstate, international, or cross-organizational collaborations, and any other ideas for sharing what has or hasn’t worked, challenges we’ve experienced, and how we can learn from […]


FASCETS INTRODUCTORY TRAINING Brain-Based Conditions Including FASD: Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach

Via Zoom +1 more

FASCETS is pleased to announce our upcoming spring live webinar. Our 6-week live webinar is designed for both parents and professionals. The webinar will take place every Tuesday, beginning on April 2nd from 9AM to noon pacific (US & Canada).  CEU’s are available for this 18-hour workshop. Are you frustrated with someone you work with, […]

Weekly Policy Drop-in

Via Zoom

Have a question about advocating for The FASD Respect Act?  Want to give an update? This weekly zoom drop-in session is a great space to do it. Members of the FASD United Policy Team will be on hand to answer your questions, give you support, and cheer you on. The zoom drop-in is held on […]

FASCETS INTRODUCTORY TRAINING Brain-Based Conditions Including FASD: Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach

Via Zoom +1 more

FASCETS is pleased to announce our upcoming spring live webinar. Our 6-week live webinar is designed for both parents and professionals. The webinar will take place every Tuesday, beginning on April 2nd from 9AM to noon pacific (US & Canada).  CEU’s are available for this 18-hour workshop. Are you frustrated with someone you work with, […]

Event Series FASD and the IEP Mentorship Coalition

FASD and the IEP Mentorship Coalition


The FASD & the IEP Mentorship Coalition is an opportunity for ongoing training designed for people working with students with FASD who have, or need, an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This program recognizes and focuses on the need for ongoing growth and education specific to the needs of students with FASD within the special education system. […]

FASCETS INTRODUCTORY TRAINING Brain-Based Conditions Including FASD: Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach

Via Zoom +1 more

FASCETS is pleased to announce our upcoming spring live webinar. Our 6-week live webinar is designed for both parents and professionals. The webinar will take place every Tuesday, beginning on April 2nd from 9AM to noon pacific (US & Canada).  CEU’s are available for this 18-hour workshop. Are you frustrated with someone you work with, […]