Family Navigators Reach Milestone of 2,000 Support Requests Fulfilled

Congratulations to the entire FASD United Family Navigator team on their two thousandth support request!  Each request, or ticket, receives a personal in-depth response, often a conversation over the phone.  

This milestone would not be possible without the dedication of Heather French, the Director of Family Navigation and Resources.  When the Family Navigator program first launched two years ago, Heather was responsible for responding to all the requests that came in.  Thanks to her expert and empathetic work, the Navigator program has steadily expanded and now includes Laura Bousquet, Board Member of the FASD United Texas Affiliate, and Kristen Eriksen, Co-coordinator of massFAS, another FASD United Affiliate. 

Heather, Laura, and Kristen are each parents to children with FASD and understand the nuances and complexities of the issues that come up when living with FASD.  Heather says, “I am so proud of the Navigator team on reaching 2,000 tickets!  We are all so passionate about FASD and are just so grateful for the opportunity to help so many families dealing with some of the same issues that we deal with ourselves.” 

Nearly every day, new requests come in, often a family member looking for resources, such as help with education, housing, or mental health.  Each navigator brings a depth of personal experience, as well as an expert understanding of FASD and a vast knowledge of the landscape of FASD-informed supports and services across the country. 

Navigators receive inquiries from individuals living with FASD, their family members, caregivers, and professionals.  Navigators ensure that each request for support is answered and each person who reaches out is directed to resources and above all, listened to. The service is free, confidential, and does not require a referral. 

A FASD Family Navigator can be reached from 9am-10pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday via phone at 202-785-4585 or by completing the online form here.” 

To support the Family Navigator program or any of our other programs, please consider a donation