9th International Research Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

What is this conference about?

This advanced-level conference/meeting (previously held in Vancouver) continues to bring together global experts from multiple disciplines to share international research. From pure science, to prevention, diagnosis, and intervention across the lifespan, the conference will address the implications of this research and promote scientific/community collaboration. It provides an opportunity to enhance understanding of the relationships between knowledge and research and critical actions related to FASD. First held in 1987, the conference brings together people passionate about this work in a stimulating environment where they can learn and forge new partnerships.

For individuals with FASD: The 2025 conference is about academic research. While you are welcome to attend as a regular conference delegate, please note that unlike the 2024 conference, there is no adult stream at this conference.

*This conference, previously held in Vancouver, Canada and hosted by University of British Columbia’s Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE), has been moved to Seattle, the birthplace of the FASD diagnosis in North America. FASD United has taken on the task of putting on this unique global FASD conference.

Pre-conference: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Main conference: Friday – Sunday, March 21 – 23, 2025

The Hyatt Regency Seattle | 808 Howell St, Seattle, WA

We have secured a reduced special rate of $249.00 + taxes for our conference delegates. (Note: We were able to negotiate the reduction of “destination fees” ($25/night) for our room block so please make sure you book within our room block to receive these favourable rates).

Please book online here and specify that you are booking under “FASD 2025 Conference”. If you must book via phone, please call toll-free: 1.800.233.1234 (North America) or 1.402.592.6464 (International) to reserve.

The Hyatt Regency Seattle is conveniently located close to many public transportation options, including the Link Light Rail (2 blocks away). Please visit here for more information.

This conference aims to:

  • consider the implication and potential application of emerging evidence-based, and/or cutting edge research
  • expand and challenge their knowledge and understanding of hard science
  • explore different models of advanced practice from and across disciplines
  • engage in knowledge exchange and focused dialogue through formal sessions, networking and onsite meetings
  • develop connections and partnerships among global researchers, networks, governments, communities, service providers and families

This multidisciplinary conference will be of interest to the audiences listed below, as well as anyone working towards an advanced understanding in the field of FASD.

  • Addiction Specialists
  • Administrators/Managers
  • Child Welfare Professionals
  • Clinicians
  • Community Members
  • Educators
  • FASD Specialists
  • Family Members/Caregivers
  • Health/Mental Health
  • Individuals with FASD
  • Justice/Legal
  • Physicians/Nurse Practitioners
  • Physical Therapists
  • Policy Makers
  • Program/Support Services
  • Researchers
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Scientists
  • Speech Language Therapists
  • Students/Trainees

(Updated Nov. 29)

By now, all submitters should’ve received an email from Jo Votolato with their abstract status. If not, please contact votolato@fasdunited.org.

(Updated Oct. 28) 

Submissions are currently closed. 

If you wish to submit an abstract or have questions, please contact votolato@fasdunited.org.

Thank you for your interest in presenting. The contribution of abstracts is critical to the success of our conference, and we value your input greatly. For those who submitted their abstract(s), we will notify you of the results by November 29, 2024.

Updated March 17: Pre-registration is now closed. If you wish to register, please come directly to the 7th floor of The Hyatt Regency on the conference dates and we will take your registration on-site. We open at 7:30AM on Thurs-Sat and 8:00AM on Sun.

Please register prior to the early-bird deadline of February 20 to save up to $100 on registration fees.


Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 2R13AA028176-04 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

FASD United

Conference Director Jo Votolato