FASD United Welcomes New Staff: Sarah Brown

Our team at FASD United is thrilled to announce a passionate new full-time staff member. Meet Sarah Brown, our new Director of Program Services.

Sarah has a background in public health with a focus on maternal/child health and supporting families impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure. Sarah worked for six years at Proof Alliance, the Minnesota-based FASD United affiliate, as their special projects manager, working with outreach, grants management, training, and content creation through the lens of public health and disability justice. She also worked for two years with Medicaid, focusing on quality improvement and health equity.

Sarah is passionate about connection and collaboration, “We all need a seat at the table. I’m grateful to be a part of this work and I can’t wait to continue FASD United’s commitment to bringing people together.”

We could not be more excited to welcome Sarah to FASD United and commend her on what she has done and will continue to do to move the FASD field forward. Join us in saying hello and congrats!