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Let’s Celebrate Disability Pride Month: Interview with Amy Smith and Dr. Cleveland
July is Disability Pride Month, commemorating the signing of the Americans with Disability Act on July 26, 1990. This act marks significant legislation for individuals with disabilities, as it ensures […]
Happy National Parent’s Day
National Parents Day is on July 28th, and we want to celebrate this day by specifically acknowledging parents of children with FASD. As a parent of a child with FASD, […]
In Remembrance of FASD Self-Advocate Liz Kulp
It is with profound sadness that we share with the community the passing of Liz Kulp, a beloved FASD self-advocate. Liz was a beacon of light, known for her kindness, […]
FASD Deep Dive Workshop
This online workshop includes six 3-hour sessions diving into the FASCETS Neurobehavioral Model. Attendees will explore the impacts of prenatal exposure along with the primary, secondary and tertiary symptoms. Throughout […]
Intro to FASD Virtual Training FREE
Explore the primary, secondary and tertiary characteristics of FASD along with possible accommodations to better support people with FASD. This free online workshop is facilitated by Sandra Flach, a Facilitator […]
The Difference between Autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
This one-hour presentation will discuss the similarities and differences between Autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (ASD/FASD). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) cover various conditions caused by moms drinking alcohol […]
Interview with Pediatric Neuropsychologist Dr. Blake Gimbel: Children’s Awareness Month
Blake Gimbel, PhD, LP FASD United is committed to recognizing children’s health in areas like disability and neurodiversity. The goal is to highlight the importance of early intervention, access to […]
The AWHONN Annual Convention helps to advance the nursing profession by providing nurses with critical information and support to help deliver the highest quality care for women and newborns. The […]
National Foster Care Month: Another Year with Arnold Eby of the NFPA
Last year, we celebrated National Foster Care Month by interviewing the National Foster Parent Association’s (NFPA) Executive Director Arnold Eby, which you can read here. Child welfare, more specifically foster […]
Learn With Liv: Internship at FASD United
As Liv interns at FASD United, she will share what she is learning and doing to inspire and explore FASD awareness through a public health lens. In her time with […]