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Tag: Webinar
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Advocacy: The Building Blocks
Learn the five essential questions to create personalized, effective IEP goals that ensure long-term success for students. This informative webinar will focus on essential strategies for creating IEP goals that […]
FASD Deep Dive Workshop
This online workshop includes six 3-hour sessions diving into the FASCETS Neurobehavioral Model. Attendees will explore the impacts of prenatal exposure along with the primary, secondary and tertiary symptoms. Throughout […]
Intro to FASD Virtual Training FREE
Explore the primary, secondary and tertiary characteristics of FASD along with possible accommodations to better support people with FASD. This free online workshop is facilitated by Sandra Flach, a Facilitator […]
FASCETS INTRODUCTORY TRAINING Brain-Based Conditions Including FASD: Understanding & Application of the FASCETS Brain-Based Approach
Registration is now open for our 6-week FASCETS live webinar, which meets weekly every Wednesday, from 9:30am – 12:30pm Pacific time beginning on May 22 and continuing through June 26. […]
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): For Criminal Justice Practitioners
This training will focus on a short history and explanation related to the overall spectrum attributed to fetal alcohol disorders. It will touch briefly upon recognition of ‘red flags’ and […]
Understanding Grief and Loss, Parenting Children with Special Needs
When a child is diagnosed with a disability, parents feel a sense of loss and grieve for those dreams that must be modified. This presentation will focus on the nonfinite […]
Intro to FASD
This webinar will help attendees identify red flags and signs that may indicate a child has brain-based difficulties as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure. The presentation will also help […]