A Note on the Giving Season, from FASD United’s Emma Baldwin 

The Holiday season is packed with so many events, traditions, and, yep, emotions. Mostly positive, but sometimes overwhelming. 

For my household growing up, Holidays were energetic. Being in a family with 5 kids, all with high support-needs (FASD, autism, ADHD, and beyond), Holidays came with a lot of good and a lot of navigating sibling competition for time, rides, gifts, and attention.  

So, I know the Holidays can be the best, sometimes the most pressurized time of the year.  

This is my first Holiday season in D.C. working as the Development Associate at FASD United, bringing attention and funds to our work.  

I have 2 major thoughts as we are coming up on Giving Season: 

  1. Families and Individuals impacted by FASD have much more to think about than fundraising during the Holidays. And, 
  1. As a sibling to someone with FASD, there’s no organization I’d rather be fundraising for. 

There are many ways to give this season, and it’s my true belief that giving shouldn’t put any more strain on your family. 

Here are 3 easy ways to support FASD United before 2024

Purchase our 2023 Stars for Starla Ornament 

This season, donating isn’t the only way to give to FASD United. Our Stars for Starla Ornament sales help support our year-long effort to celebrate the wins of individuals with FASD. This is our 3rd year into our ornament tradition, and we love seeing people get excited to collect each one! 

Read more about Stars for Starla here.  

Host a Giving Tuesday Facebook fundraiser 

Set a goal, and get your family and community involved. Open your phone or laptop on November 28th and share a little about why you, just like me, believe FASD United provides essential support, education, and advocacy. 

Here are the steps: 

  1. Log in to Facebook 
  1. On the left, click “Fundraisers 
  1. On the left, click “Raise Money” 
  1. Click “nonprofit” 
  1. Search “FASD United” 
  1. Select your goal amount 
  1. Select your currency 
  1. Click “Create”! 

Talk about us 

I am a true believer in word-of-mouth. One of the most powerful places something can be brought up is at the family table. 

I remember when my aunts, uncles, and grandparents started to learn about FASD and started to offer more grace and understanding when family-time didn’t go as expected. Inviting your community educators, doctors, business owners, and family to support FASD United and use our resources —  

  1. Increases Impact 
  1. Strengthens our network of support 
  1. Spreads awareness like wildfire 

If you want to connect about fundraising and empowering FASD United’s work, please contact me, Emma Baldwin at baldwin@fasdunited.org. I would be happy to set up a call, Zoom, or an office visit for those of you near D.C. 

Donations to FASD United are tax-deductible and help us to advocate for national policy (The FASD Respect Act), offer support through our Family Navigator Program and education materials, and spread awareness through conferences and our Weekly Roundup

I and everyone at FASD United wish you a happy holiday season full of peace, joy, and togetherness!