Pull Up a Seat: Center for RR/ED’s Youth and Family Advisory Council Accepting Applications

It’s crucial to ensure that FASD is not only recognized but also actively included in discussions and decision-making processes within justice environments. By providing a platform for FASD to have a voice, we can address the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals with FASD who come into contact with the justice system. This is why our initiative to Give FASD a Seat at the Table is vital.

We are highlighting a national, external opportunity through Georgetown University’s Center for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities. At the core of the Center for RR/ED’s project is the collaborative engagement of youth and families. In pursuit of this objective, they are establishing the Center for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RR/ED) Youth and Family Advisory Council.

Led by professionals with lived experience, the council will comprise up to 15 members from diverse backgrounds, including individuals with current or past involvement in the youth justice system. Their primary function will be to provide guidance for all activities conducted by the Center for RR/ED, embodying a familiar principle of ‘nothing about us without us.’

The resources and guidance they develop will be shared as the Council convenes and expands.

On the application website here, you will find an FAQ section that answers specific inquiries about who should apply, what will be expected of the council, how the application process goes, and compensation.

Applications should be received no later than June 4th, 2024, at 11:59 pm EST.

*External Opportunity not affiliated with FASD United