FASD and World Teachers Day

FASD United is excited to celebrate this year’s World Teachers’ Day, held annually on October 5th.  Established in 1994, World Teachers’ Day is an opportunity to consider issues related to teachers and teaching. 

We know that teachers and schools are extremely important to children and families living with FASD and that through appropriate education services, individuals with FASD can achieve their full potential and lead productive lives.  Early intervention, FASD-informed special education resources, and high quality Individualized Education Plans can all dramatically enhance the lives of students living with FASD.

In honor of World Teachers Day, the FASD United Family Navigator program has put together a collection of resources relating to teaching and education:

Understanding FASD: A Comprehensive Guide for Pre-K-8 Educators

Link: https://sites.duke.edu/fasd/

This guide from Duke University provides information on FASD, with chapters on FASD in the classroom, learning issues, behavioral issues, as well as two case studies and some strategies for educational professionals.       

Understanding FASD: What Educators Need to Know

Link: https://www.nhsaaa.net/media/8391/fasd_whateducatorsneedtoknow.pdf     

This guide from the National Health Service in Scotland has resources for staff working with children and young people with FASD. The guide includes information on focus and attention, memory skills, and features six guiding principles to helping students with FASD.

The FASD Collaborative Project has several recorded webinars available at no charge on topics related to teaching and education:

Thriving in the Classroom   

Link: https://www.fasdcollaborative.com/event-details/fasd-thriving-in-the-classroom-2     

Presented by Sr. Suzette Fisher of DoubleARC Center for FASD and A Renewed Mind, this webinar provides information on FASD and practical brain-based strategies to support children with FASD so they can thrive in the classroom.

8 Magic Keys Revisited    

Link: https://www.fasdcollaborative.com/event-details/8-magic-keys-revisited-what-weve-learned-and-whats-next-2   

Presented by Deb Evensen of Fetal Alcohol Consultation & Training Services (FACTS), this webinar discusses the history of “8 Magic Keys”, a grass-roots project that took on a life of its own and that has helped open doors of understanding FASD for people around the world.

Communication and Cognition in Individuals with FASD   

Link: https://www.fasdcollaborative.com/event-details/communication-and-cognition-in-individuals-with-fasd   

Presented by Elizabeth Cleveland of University of Central Arkansas, this webinar explores the inner workings of cognition and communication and explain how each impacts the other, including executive function, language processing, and pragmatic language.

Educational Care for Children Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure   

Link: https://www.fasdcollaborative.com/event-details/educational-care-for-children-affected-by-prenatal-alcohol-exposure-2

Presented by Molly N. Millians of the Emory University Neurodevelopmental Exposure Clinic, this webinar covers the effects from prenatal alcohol exposure on neurodevelopment as well as social and environmental factors that would impact learning and school functioning.