Home > News > Give FASD a Seat at the Table: Our Mission for 2024

In 2023, the FASD community actively engaged in advocacy, education, and awareness initiatives. Noteworthy events included the emphasis on real-life experiences with Yes I Can, growth of the Affiliate Network, the National FASD Impact Week, featuring a congressional briefing in Washington, D.C., expansion of the Family Navigator program, re-introduction of the FASD International Research Conference, and the historic progress of the FASD Respect Act through the Senate. These efforts highlight the importance of awareness, support, and the expansion of resources for individuals with FASD. As we step into the new year, we are thrilled to continue this journey of growth and success.

Introducing FASD United’s mission for 2024: “A Seat at the Table.” This initiative aims to secure a presence for FASD in decision-making and discussion forums across various fields, including areas of study, professions, and societal sectors. Whether addressing disability rights, maternal child welfare, or special education, FASD should be part of these conversations. Our goal is to actively participate in discussions related to neurodiversity, juvenile justice, and other critical areas. This year, we pledge to support you in claiming seats at tables where conversations about FASD have been historically absent while steadfastly working towards the same objective.

People with FASD have always had a seat and voice at different tables, but just as the disability itself can seem hidden, so too can the seats. Giving FASD a seat at the table is not just about demanding that FASD be included, but also about the steps we as a movement take to get FASD that seat at the table.

This mission will be the focal point of our activities throughout 2024, weaving through various materials, events, and National FASD Impact Week in September. After more than 50 years of building the foundation of FASD awareness, it’s time to establish the role of prenatal alcohol exposure in fields and disciplines that may lack knowledge of its history, impact, and significance. We’re delighted to have your support on this journey.

Sit down at our table – Contact Us

Meet other people at the table – Find an Affiliate Near You

Get involved with the table’s discussions – Advocate with our Policy Center

Ask questions and for guidance – Get Support from our Family Navigators

Show appreciation to someone at the table with FASD – Send a Stars for Starla Award

Learn more about the table itself – Get Fact Sheets and Information on FASD