Impact Week: Follow Up

FASD Symposium

View our symposium contributor’s guide here.

A space of co-creation and shared knowledge.

Red Shoes Gala

Thank you to Senator Lisa Murkowski R-Alaska who co-authored the FASD Respect Act

Thank you to Senator Angus King for accepting a leadership Award and speaking to his enthusiastic support of the FASD community.

Thank you to Senator Amy Klobuchar for recorded comments and support of the FASD Respect Act; the Gala was attended by Cassidy Hobbes (Klobuchar’s legislative assistant) 

Giving FASD a seat at the table and celebrating at the National Press Club.

A special thank you to our Gala’s 2024 sponsors! We are eternally grateful for your support. (View our sponsors in the Gala program above).

Hill Day

Educating legislators and progressing the FASD movement.

The Ride Ahead Screening

Respecting the visual arts and disability.

Reminder: attendees can learn how to host their own screening & and can use a coupon code, FASD_TRA to get 20% off of the Education Kit.


by USUHS CSHR and FASD United partners

The day featured an update and interactive workshops on the project USUHS CSHR is working on, developing clinical guidelines for FASD for military healthcare beneficiaries. It also included a session with emerging researchers, highlighting up-and-comers in FASD and PSE research.

Click on these researcher’s headshots to learn more about their work and affiliations.

Federal involvement and movement in FASD.

Slides from this day will not be released, however, you can view the 2022 and 2023 workshop reports below:

(2024 workshop report coming soon)